Complete Turn-Key Solution for Public EV Charging Stations on America’s Most Traveled Roads and Highways

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Taking Charge of the EV Revolution

The team at ChargeStar consists of project managers, engineers, safety managers, quality assurance managers, site supervisors, journeymen, and master electricians.

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Design Team

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National Certified
Installer Network

ChargeStarTM has a nationwide certified installer network that is licensed, insured, and bonded to install all models and brands of EV charging stations in the market today. We are accredited by the EVITP (Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program) and are ‘Approved’ installers. Whatever your property type, our expansive team provides a smooth transition to EV use through design, as-builts, permits, material procurement, load calculations, and more.

Charging Solutions

Multiple sources predict that by 2030 almost half of new vehicle sales in the U.S. will be electric. The trend toward electrification enhances the demand for EV fast charging. More and more drivers will depend on readily available charging stations where they spend their days and nights. By offering Level 2 or Level 3 EV charging as an additional amenity to your premises, you’ll not only gain a competitive edge in the market but also incentivize residents and employees to stay.


Level 3 DC Fast Chargers (DCFC)

Level 3 charging, or DCFC is the fastest method to charge; they can recharge an EV at a charging speed of 400-1,400 miles per hour. While properties are often limited by the amount of electricity they can use from the grid, we use a combination of energy storage and fast-charging technology to increase power output without costly grid upgrades.

  • Rapid Charging
  • High Utilization Rates
  • User Friendly
  • Versatile Vehicle Support
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Vertical Industry Solutions

We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded to install charging stations for multi unit housing, dealerships, fleets, hotels, and more. When you invest and commit to a sustainable future, you’re not only doing your part to limit carbon emissions, but you’ll also attract new clientele looking for alternate EV charging.